Computerized Monitoring
Nowadays, despite competitors entering the market, we has risen to the challenge to provide quality monitoring products. Professional monitoring is computerized and centralized based on the client’s needs. Computerized monitoring automatically records statistics about the work of employees using computer equipment in their jobs. Such statistics might include number of keystrokes made, types of transactions completed, or time spent for each transaction. We are one of the trusted manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of technologically advanced computerized data acquisition & monitoring systems.
Computerized monitoring were compared organizations in similar jobs without computerized monitoring. The results indicate that computerized monitoring is associated with perceived increases in office productivity, more accurate and complete assessment of workers’ performance, and higher levels of organizational control. Respondents indicate that managers overemphasize the importance of quantity and underemphasize the importance of quality in evaluating employee performance.
ForceLok Computerized Monitoring
Computerized Monitoring System was designed to ensure quality control in the manufacturing of the end preparations in the Mechanical and welded sleeve systems and also provides monitoring and documentation in the field during the joint assembly process of the ForceLok Mechanical Pipe Connection System. Utilizing the advanced, patented Computerized Monitoring System, pipeline contractors can now demonstrate the integrity of each assembled mechanical connection by graphing and documenting the measured PSI, penetration and force of each assembled force- fit connection.